- Video-verification system for both interior and exterior.
- Wireless battery-based system – accessibility and usage at any place with GSM network coverage.
- Quick installation without wiring or charging.
- Up to 4 years battery live of one set of batteries.
- Integration of Videofied technology into 1Box® monitoring centre and NET-G monitoring software.
- 10 seconds long video is sent from the detectors via GPRS/IP in case of an intrusion on the object.
- The monitoring centre receives first video images as quickly as 30 seconds after the alarm.
- Used for all types of wireless installations – monitoring of private and corporate objects.
- Possibility of permanent or temporary (portable) installation.
- Suitable for monitoring of building sites, scaffolding, remote sites or mines, uninhabited premises and solar panels.
- Up to 600 meters range in the open terrain.
- High quality solution, attractive price.
- Reduction of unnecessary trips of the response group due to false alarms.